
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I consider it an honor to be able to be a part of this mission trip – so thank you again – those of you who have and still are supporting me financially and through prayer!

Some of you may have received a text request from my mom for prayer and fasting after God moved in a Roma community a few weeks ago.   A baby girl in the community; Mirrim, suffered from paralysis in her spine which also caused difficulties in her swallowing. On our first visit to the Roma community, the team was able to share testimonies of what God has done in our lives, then we prayed over many people and had many praises for healing and feeling the presence of God. We only visited one house on our first visit; however, that one room was filled to capacity with 80+ people jammed inside!   On the drive home from this experience, the story of some disciples coming to Jesus after they had been unable to cast out a demon came to mind. Jesus’s reply was “this comes from much prayer and fasting” – I’m still chewing on this lesson – was it that kind of faith that comes from prayer and fasting, or are there certain maladies that can be healed through prayer and fasting.   Anyways – I decided to pray and fast for 3 days – I ask people to join with me on one or all those days to pray for Mirrim and for her healing and for that community.

Our second visit was just on Sunday. I sent out another text asking for prayer as we prepared to go and minister in this community.   Instead of one house, we went to five separate houses.   Our guide; the pastor who normally ministers in this community, told those at the house that there would be no teaching, just prayers for healing. The expectation of those in attendance could be felt in the room. As I started to speak, I wanted to make sure I got across to them – The team wasn’t “special” – it was nothing we did. The Holy Spirit is available to them – the can pray and the Spirit can move!   During the prayers at the first house, we had people come up to offer praises for what God had done!

At the second house, their lived a mom in her 40’s who had 8 kids and 16 grandchildren in the house with her. This woman asked for understanding and the ability to teach her family. Ninety percent of the family is illiterate! The reason their family continues to grow is the want more people to pick berries and help the family. As I was with this woman and her family, I wanted to encourage them to pray for each other in their needs. She is blessed with fertility, yet there are women who are struggling to conceive. Tried to encourage her to pray for those women. She initially said she was too shy – I explained again that it wasn’t anything special about us – that God could use her to help others too. She ended up putting her hands on them, but had me pray out loud for them.

The next house we went to was that of a recent convert. In the start of our meeting, the pastor said that the man who wanted prayer wasn’t truly saved, so we went through the sinner’s prayer with him and are believing that now that he has the words, that his heart will also surrender to God’s salvation. In that same house was an older couple whose son had died recently. The woman shared her heart and that she wasn’t at peace. I shared with her the scripture where Jesus says he is close to the broken hearted, I also was reminded of the verse in the Beatitudes that says “Blessed are those that mourn, for they will be comforted”. Our team prayed for her, hugged her, and mourned with her. What a blessing to be able to provide that comfort. This same woman – her husband had come for the first time to any kind of meeting. We were able to introduce him to Jesus; he said he knew about God but didn’t know about Jesus. He said it was all new to him. It is important to reiterate her that the community is mostly illiterate. Made me more aware of the verse “how will they hear, unless someone tell them”

Romans 10:14 14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

The wife said – “I chose today to serve Jesus”! This was such a great statement – her choosing to follow!  There had been some pressure from the heads of the Roma community to make decisions. We made sure to tell them that their decision needed to be of their freewill – Jesus wants them to decide for themselves to follow – not to follow because it’s the thing to do.

At one of the houses we visited, there was a table set up for us to eat. The hospitality struck me – this is a poor community; however, they wanted to make sure we as their guest were fed. Even though they might go hungry.   We took that opportunity to share with them how God like that was to be hospitable.

In the houses we visited, there were always 20 or more kids and, in each house, they always asked for prayer for the children. It was hard to touch each one – but at one point, I held out my hand and they all put their hands on mine. Parents brought in babies with swollen cheeks, or bronchitis and we prayed for each one.

A surprising occurrence at one house was that the man of the house greeted us and hugged us! This is unique for that community.   I made sure to share with him how his kindness and love was another attribute of who God is. At each house, we were shown more of God’s attributes. We tried to share this truth with them; however, at each house the pastor would say that there wasn’t a lesson, just prayer! While at this house, Mirrim’s mom came in and brought Mirrim. Mirrim’s grandfather was there as well. He is a head of one of the main houses, and he is also the one who made the connections with the pastor initially. Their family is wealthier than most in that community; however, would still be lower income compared to the US.   He came forward and asked for prayer for his granddaughter. I laid hand on her and then asked if I could hold her and pray over her. As I prayed for her, I spoke the promises of Jesus and spoke the words of Jesus (Luke 10:19, Luke 9:1-2, Mark 13:34, Mark 16:17) where he said that he has given us authority. I believed that speaking the name of Jesus over her would heal her. I handed her back to her mom. I became overwhelmed – sat down -and wept. We had heard that “Mirrim is moving her feet” I fully believe that God will fully restore Mirrim – God’s timing is always right on time!

Somethings we need prayer for moving forward:

            Pray for more missionaries to be called to this area to be the hands and feet of Jesus – the need is GREAT!

            Pray for God’s direction and continued leading of the teams, travel safety and provision as they leave for Jordan next week.

            Pray for wisdom and discernment in the next phase of our journey as teams will be reconstructed. I have been asked to assume a higher leadership role in the mission. I would be over more teams and instead of actively engaging in the communities, I would be more active in ministering and encouraging the teams. This would mean more travel and more focus on the team members. I will be praying for God’s assurance to me in whichever direction he wants me to pursue.

            Health and recovery over the team – I’ve been under the weather – the cold and traveling, and ministry have taken a toll.

             Please pray for me that I could experience more of His love and that He would continue to shape and mold me into what he wants!

             Continue to lift us up and our families, as we will be spending holidays away from them.

If you’d like to be on my mom’s text list when she sends out quick prayer requests or updates, send me your phone number and I’ll have her add you to the list of people she texts!